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Les clients de KB Intelligence se répartissent en trois catégories liées aux compétences exploitées chez KB Intelligence. Le premier groupe concerne toute entreprise qui a besoin d’outils de veille sur Internet. Dans cette catégorie, sont déjà clients plus de la moitié des entreprises du CAC 40, ...
Pour répondre aux attentes du marché au travers des cinq axes de sa branche « Financial solutions », KB Intelligence associe une expertise informatique de haut niveau avec une connaissance aussi intime que possible du métier de ses clients. Ses domaines d’intervention privilégiés sont ceux de la ...
147 avenue Paul Doumer
92500 Rueil-Malmaison
01 41 29 05 05
The climate change and its already visible effects constitute one of the major concerns of the sustainable development. KB Intelligence, capitalizing on its long experience of the energy field, has built in this area a unique base of knowledge, which can be mobilized for the benefit of industrial actors, local authorities or government agencies.

The fields of intervention of KB Intelligence cover:

  • Technical aspects (energy savings, new technologies: clean coal, renewable energies, capture and storage of CO2, etc.)
  • Financial aspects: carbon funds, cap & trade mechanisms, design and implementation of projects under CDM (Clean Development Mechanism), etc.
  • Sociological and human aspects, thanks in particular to its active participation in the Global Forum for Sustainable Development

More generally, KB Intelligence is in a position to assist the corporate executives in charge of the Strategy or of the Sustainable Development in the companies or in the public organizations. This support may deal with the collection of the necessary information for the realization of diagnoses or benchmarks, with the development of action plans or with the completion of social and environmental responsibility assessment.

See the publications on the subject and notably the Panorama 2004 du Développement Durable, a reference book written under the coordination of Jean-Pierre HAUET, Associate Partner de KB Intelligence (CD-Rom)